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Brambles Primary Academy

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! It is our first Year 6 cohort at Brambles Primary Academy and we are looking forward to sharing new and interesting topics and experiences.


 Miss Tillett - 6 Elm class teacher

 Mr. Smitten - 6 Oak class teacher

 Miss Krzywonos (1:1 support)

 Mrs Bahar (HLTA) 

Important Information

The School Day:

The gates will open from 8:30am.  The class register will be taken at 8:45am and learning will  begin immediately after this.  It is important that pupils are on time to school so that they do not miss any learning.

Pupils should bring to school each day:

  • A water bottle with their name on
  • Suitable clothing for the weather to ensure they are comfortable during outdoor break times
  • A packed lunch (if required)
  • Their reading book

Pupils are to be collected from school at 3:15pm.



  • 6 Elm have PE every Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).
  • 6 Oak have PE every Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).
  • Children should come to School in their PE kits. Jewellery and watches must be removed for PE lessons.

Please click here for details of PE kit and school uniform



Homework is given out every Friday and is due back the following week. Homework will be focused on the maths unit we are currently learning in class.  Additionally, will receive a SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) task to ensure the children practise frequently to help them build their skills as writers and build their confidence.



It is crucial that your child reads as often as possible, preferably with an adult, who can support with understanding of the text, e.g. by asking them questions about what they have read. While the children are now mostly able to read without help, questions will help them develop their comprehension skills. 

We have also created Read Theory accounts for all children in Year 6. This is a free online tool to aid children with their reading comprehension: Log in | ReadTheory


Key Dates


Residential trip - Robin Wood (Todmorden): Monday 10th - Wednesday 12th February 2025
  • Last day at school: Friday 14th February 2025
  • Back in school for Spring Term 2: Monday 24th February 2025

This half term we will be learning...


At Brambles, we use the 'Write Stuff' scheme of work, created by Jane Considine.

Your child may have spoken to you about chotting! This is a mixture of chatting and jotting- where we mind map great vocabulary before using it to create some wonderful sentences.

Our writing targets this year are taken from the national curriculum.

This half-term, we will be reading an adaptation of the classic Shakespeare play - Macbeth. We will be re-telling part of the story in our sentence stacking lessons. At the end of this unit, we will be independently writing a continuation of the plot of Macbeth.

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Classics: Level 17 More Pack A: Macbeth by ...


Guided Reading:

In reading this half term, we will be reading 'Ghost' by Jason Reynolds. We will use this text to complete a variety of tasks, to build comprehension skills. 

Ghost - Jason Reynolds - 9781999642525 - Heath Books



Our Maths curriculum follows the White Rose Maths scheme, which is designed to help children develop a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts.

This half-term, our classes will be covering fractions, decimals & percentages.



This half-term, our Science topic is Living Things and Their Habitats. It focuses on how living things are categorised/classified into groups, including mirco-organisms. We will examine how classification is used and which scientist is most well-known for the classification system. 


History & Geography:

Our first History topic in Year 6 is called 'Frozen World'. During this topic, we will examine:

  • the physical geography characteristics of the polar regions
  • the human influences on climate change and how the polar regions are affected because of this
  • how humans are working to resolve the issue of human-influenced climate change and what can be done for the collective good
  • the history of polar exploration, including Scott of the Antarctic and the race to the poles

Antarctic Peninsula Landscapes - LOUIS MONTROSE PHOTOGRAPHY



In art, the children will be focusing on sculpture and 3D art. Throughout this topic, the children will be introduced to different artists, who have created sculptures and 3D artwork. Together, we will be experimenting how we can create art with different materials and exploring why sculptures are so important.

A Sea Of Ceramic Poppies Honors Britain's WWI Dead | SDPB Radio




In RE lessons, we will be studying what Christians believe about Jesus' death and his resurrection, through the Kirklees Agreed RE Syllabus.



In PSHE, we have moved to a new scheme called My Happy Mind. In year 6, the children are specifically looking at transitions and how to manage the different emotions that they might be feeling. In the Spring term, we will be looking at how to appreciate people and different experiences in order to be able to rely on these when going through a difficult transition .



As musicians, we follow the Charanga music scheme. This half term our unit is based around one song: Happy, a Pop song by Pharrell Williams.



In MFL lessons, we are learning French. In the Spring term we will be learning how to say 8 common animals in French. We will then be looking at how to ask someone if they have a pet and be able answer back, expanding on this we will be able to tell people what our pet is called and start using more complex conjunctions when speaking.

 About French-Flag.org


Shared Reader

In 6 Elm, our Shared Reader book this half term is 'The Final Year' by Matt Goodfellow

The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow | Goodreads

In 6 Oak, our shared reader book this half term is 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom' by Louis Sachar.

There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom - Scholastic Shop

Links to use at home


Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)

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