Pol Ed 
At Brambles Primary Academy, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live a safe, healthy, productive life, and meet their full potential. We use Pol Ed to support our teaching of PSHE.
Pol-Ed is a West Yorkshire Police education programme, written by teachers for teachers in schools across West Yorkshire. Its purpose is to keep children safe by developing their understanding of risks, consequences and the law, and to develop their resilience and ability to help and support each other
All the resources from Pol Ed focus on the West Yorkshire Police priorities and Ofsted lines of enquiry and are linked to the DfE statutory guidance and PSHE Association Programme of Study to ensure we are best meeting the needs of our young people. Lessons are taught in an age-appropriate way with sensitivity to each area. Further information can be found on their parent portal website. https://www.pol-ed.co.uk/audiences/parents/homes
Each Pol-Ed lesson is split into one of 3 areas
Below is the yearly overview of the lessons which will be covered in each year group.
How can I be a good friend?
How can I make other children feel happy?
How can I play nicely with others?
How can adults at school help me?
How can I play safely?
How can I keep safe at school?
How can I keep safe at home?
What are rules?
What are consequences?
What can I do if I’m feeling big emotions?
Who are the police and how do they help us?
Year 1
Why are safe hands important?
How do I share family worries?
Who are my trusted adults?
What do the police do?
Why have different rules in different places?
Year 2
What is Bullying?
What if my friends are making me feel sad?
How can I keep safe online?
How can I speak up?
Why does age matter?
What is 999?
Year 3
What is bullying?
What is discrimination?
What do we mean by risk?
What are emergency services?
What is the law and why do we have it?
How can I be a responsible citizen?
Year 4
What do we mean by consent in friendships?
How should we treat people?
How can we keep safe on the road?
How can we use our phones sensibly?
What are children's rights?
How do we enforce the law?
Year 5
What is peer pressure?
What is spiking?
How can we keep our things safe?
How can I share my worries?
What different types of crime are there?
Year 6
What is grooming?
What is the issue with addiction (Vaping/Smoking)
What are protected characteristics?
What is hate crime?
What is anti-social behaviour?
What is shop theft?