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Brambles Primary Academy



Welcome to Reception 

At Brambles Primary Academy, we are READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE.

 Welcome to Reception!

On this page you’ll find out all about the exciting things we’ll be getting up to in Reception, what learning looks like in Reception and the topics we will be learning about.

We will also give you lots of ideas and information in regards to what you can do at home to help support your child’s learning.




Important Information

P.E will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please click here for details of PE kit and school uniform

Reception Timetable 

Home Learning

Every Monday we will send home a 'Shared Reader' book for parents and children to enjoy together. Initially, these will be predominantly read together and children will be able to talk about the pictures and make predictions about the text.  As children become more confident with their reading they will be able to read the book with much more independence, however they may require support from parents in some instances. This book will not only develop children's reading skills but their love of reading too.

Every Friday, we will be sending home or adding Maths home learning to Class Dojo. We will also be sending home a 'Little Wandle' Reading Practice book, which the children will have read 3 times throughout the week in school. These books MUST be returned every Monday.

Each time you read with your child please ensure you sign, date, comment in the yellow reading diary. 

Each half term, children will be set a range of home learning activities which can be completed over the holiday period.


Class Dojo is a great way to keep in touch with what's happening at school and to contact members of the Reception Team.  

Key Dates


Children will return on Tuesday 3rd September 2024

What will we be learning in Reception?

Topic Overview - Autumn 1




Support for Parents:


Autumn Term - Phase 2


Core Texts


Links to try at home



Little Wandle Letters and Sounds


 Reading  - E-Library 


Phonics Games


Phonics Games


Nursery Rhymes



                Go Noodle


Maths Games



Maths Games 



                Go Noodle

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